Brothers All

Brothers All

Although this is a story of two gallant men there have been thousands more, just like them, in our 200+ years.

One day I saw a white soldier lying dead with his blood pouring out, staining that foreign soil. Later the graves detail came and took him away. Leaving just a big dark stain.

Another day I saw a black soldier lying dead with his blood pouring out, staining that foreign soil. Later the graves detail came and took him away. Leaving just a big dark stain.

A person passing by would look down and see those big dark stains and know that two brave men had died there. They would not know if they were white or black. For you see the color is the same, as was the cause for which they died. They died defending their country so that we may continue to live in peace and enjoy our many freedoms.

If someday you think unkind thoughts about someone because of their skin color, ethnic background or religious beliefs I hope you will remember this story because we are brothers all.

Please feel free to copy this, giving accreditation.

~ Jim Kearman ~

Copyright ©2000 James E. Kearman